Vocabulary Meaning
bit The smallest value a computer can store, 0 or 1
Byte 8 bits
Hexadecimal A numbering system with base 16
Nibble 4 bits
Binary number A number that is represented with binary
Unsigned number A number that has no signs (Always positive or 0)
Signed number A numeber with signs, can be positve or negative
Floating point A number that has a decimal point (A decimal)
Boolean A variable that is either True or False
ASCII A character encoding scheme where each character is represented with a unique 8-bit binary sequencing
Unicode A set of 16-bit characters which represents all keyboard characters
RGB A coding scheme where colors are prepresented with 3 8-bit values representing red, blue, and green
Data Compression A process to make a file take up less space in computer
Lossy Compression A Data compression method that loses information
Lossless Compression A data compression method that does not lose information
Variable A value that has is assigned to a name and is changeable
Data type The type of value stored in a variable (string, int, etc.)
Assignment Operators Operators used to assign a new value to a variable
List A variable that has contains many values that are assigned to a int index within the list
2D Array A list of lists that can contain values on a 2D scale
Dictionary A type or varible like list but the indexes are values not restricted to ints
Class A defined structure that can be used to create an object
Algorithm A set of instuctions that be used to solve problems or perform tasks
Sequence The order where an algorithm do tasks in
Selection The selection of outcomes depending on a condition in an algorithm
Iteration The repetition of a part of an algorithm if a conditional is met
Operators A expression that represents an action to be done on values
Operands Values that operators operates on
Expressions A combination of values that are combined to be intepreted as a new value
Relational Operators A operator that compares 2 values and returns a boolean
Logical Operator A operator that does actions on boolean values and has outcomes depending on the values of the booleans
Truth Tables A table that shows the outcome of a set of logical operators with named operands on all possible permutations of operands
Character One symbol
String Ordered sequence of characters
Length The number of values in a list or string
Concatenation The "addition" of strings or lists that returns a value with both of them connected
Conditionals The expressions that controls the flow of an algorithm
Nested Conditionals Conditional that contains other conditionals in it
Algorithm A set of actions that can be followed to solve a problem
Parameters Inputs of algorithms
Search An algorithm that returns the position of a value in a list
Binary Search A searching algorithm that splits the lists into 2 everytime searching is done, having a logrithmic time complexity
Procedure A named algorithm that can be used to solve a problem
Parameter The inputs that are entered into a procedure
Modularity The splitting of parts into a function for easier uses
Procedural Abstraction The ability of calling a procedure without stating the procedure directly
Library Preexisting functions that can be imported into programming
Simulation A program that represents a simplified version of a real world situation
Problem A task that may or not be solvable with an procedure
Decison Problem A problem with a yes or no answer
Organsiation Problem A problem which looks for the best answer
Instance A specific set of inputs of a problem
Efficiency How much computing is required to solve a problem
Heuristic Approach An approach that sacrafices the best solution of efficiency
Undecidable Problem A problem that has no solution